In Search of the Perfect Bloody Mary

Chilli Maria cocktail

As one of my favourite cocktails at any time of day, and after having tasted a really good Bloody Mary cocktail made with a peppery vodka during London cocktail week, I was determined to make a great vodka that would make a delicious spicy Bloody Mary without all the fussy trimmings. In Deep South Chilli Vodka I think we have done that: hot, spicy, authentic chilli, and just amazing when blended with sumptuous, rich tomato juice. Yum!

Hot Sex on the Beach

Hot Sex on the Beach cocktail

Our take on the classic Sex on the Beach cocktail, made with Chilii Vodka. Perfect for those hot summer days (and hot summer nights)

Celebration Spiced Gin Punch

Spice Gin Punch Cocktail

Combine the sweet spice aromas of Spice Island gin and selected garnishes with fresh fruit juice of your choice for a festive party punch. Always delicious!

Something Old, Something New

Something Old Something New cocktail

“Something Old Something New” combines sweet and sour flavours with a sublime gin, aromatic lime and fresh lemonade for an unforgettable cocktail

Simple Syrup

Recipe - Simple Syrup

Simple syrup is an essential ingredient wherever cocktails are made and enjoyed. Easy to make and easy to store, this recipe for homemade simple syrup creates the base for many delicious infusions, cocktails and drinks.