
Koperbobbejaan Cocktail
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The Brass Monkey cocktail traditionally combines rum and orange. Our Koperbobbejaan (copper baboon) steps up the game a little with a more complex mix of flavours and is a slightly ironic tribute to the troop of baboons that regularly try to raid our distillery, overturn our dustbins and play tag on the metal roof!


  • 50ml Deep South Amber Rum
  • 50-100ml fresh orange juice (depending on how strong you like it)
  • 5 ml grenadine
  • Fresh slice of lime and a slice of orange
  • Ice

To make

  1. Add a handful of ice to a large tumbler glass
  2. Splash the grenadine  into the ice
  3. Pour the rum  over the ice so it blends a little with the grenadine
  4. Slowly add the orange juice (pouring over a spoon) so that the ingredients don’t completely mix
  5. Garnish with slice of lime and a slice of orange



Substitute 25ml of Deep South Premium Cape Vodka for half the rum